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Rozpocznij naukę
- You shouldn't smoke.
- Fuck off.
I'm a doctor.
I'm supposed to say things like that.
- You want one?
- No. Yes. No.
Fuck it, yes.
I've given up.
So Anna tells me
your bloke wrote a book.
- Any good?
- Of course.
It's about you, isn't it?
Some of me.
- Oh? What did he leave out?
- The truth.
Is he here, your bloke?
Yeah, he's over there
talking to your bird.
My boyfriend's here.
- He's here? Where?
- There.
- With Alice?
- I believe you're acquainted.
I've never
seen him before.
But you've spoken.
Well, conversed.
I wrote to him?
On the net. You sent him to the aquarium.
I happened to be there.
Nice work, cupid.
- We need to talk about this.
- No, we don't.
He's very pretty.
She is very tall.
So you're a stripper?
You take care, now.
I will.
You, too.
where - gdzie
things - rzeczy
there - tam
tells - mówi
corresponded - korespondował
happened - stało się
stripper - spychacz
course - kurs
wrote - napisał
pretty - ładny
talking - mówić
before - przed
bloke - facet
about - o
acquainted - obeznany
alice - alice
conversed - rozmieniony
aquarium - akwarium
believe - uwierzyć
given - dany
truth - Prawda
cupid - amorek
spoken - mówiony
doctor - lekarz
leave - pozostawiać
never - nigdy
smoke - palić
supposed - domniemany
Kliknij słowo lub podświetl zwrot, by zobaczyć jego tłumaczenie.
Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.
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