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So much time and so little I need to do.
- Mouse!
- No, thanks. I'm full.
- Get him, Garfield.
- Get him, John.
It's always got to be smashing
and crashing.
Nobody poisons anymore.
There's my ball.
What good is a cat
that can't chase a mouse?
I don't do the chase thing.
All right. I'll handle this.
I know you don't hear me,
but can't you just listen?
What are you doing
in the house when John's home?
Sorry, Garfield, man.
I couldn't help it.
When he sees you,
he expects more from me. Don't you get that?
I'm trying to maintain. You understand?
Sure. As long as you understandI have to eat you.
Oh, good boy.
See? I knew you could do
it if you put your mind to it.
- You're the best cat a guy could have.
- Mm.
Have you tasted yourself lately?
It wasn't exactly the first-class lounge
in there for me either.
Get yourself lost, Louis. Take
a powder for a couple of days
Get a haircut.
And grow a beard.
Cool. I owe you one, G.
understandi - understandi
thing - rzecz
there - tam
understand - zrozumieć
thanks - dzięki
sorry - przepraszam
right - dobrze
mouse - mysz
maintain - utrzymać
trying - próbować
either - zarówno
doing - robić
crashing - awaria
listen - słuchać
smashing - druzgocący
couple - para
tasted - smakowało
always - zawsze
class - klasa
powder - proszek
beard - zarost
chase - Pościg
exactly - dokładnie
expects - oczekuje
first - pierwszy
house - dom
poisons - trucizny
anymore - już
garfield - garfield
haircut - ostrzyżenie
nobody - nikt
handle - uchwyt
could - mógłby
little - mało
lately - ostatnio
lounge - hol
yourself - siebie
louis - louis
Kliknij słowo lub podświetl zwrot, by zobaczyć jego tłumaczenie.
Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.
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