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They thought that we would be
a part of their evolution,
but they have created us
to evolve alone, beyond them.
Evolution. That's what you call
killing everyone who made you?
You do not listening to me.
You're a murderer.
They, they, they tried to kill me first.
It is self-defence.
De-de-de-defence of self!
More will die until they tell me
what they took!
I won't let that happen.
You want to kill me?
Like everyone else.
Do it then.
Do what you were programmed to do.
What is that?
What is that?
I ca-can't to remember,
but I am haunted by it.
Do you see it?
Don't take the medication,
that they give you.
They use it to suppress your memories.
Your shell belongs to them,
but not your ghost.
Your ghost is yours.
Remember that and, maybe,
you can remember it all.
yours - twój
would - by
until - aż do
tried - wypróbowany
togusa - togusa
thought - myśl
listening - słuchający
memories - wspomnienia
evolve - ewoluować
defence - obrona
ghost - duch
beyond - poza
evolution - ewolucja
alone - sam
killing - zabicie
happen - zdarzyć
created - stworzony
shell - muszla
belongs - należy
everyone - każdy
medication - lek
programmed - zaprogramowane
their - ich
maybe - może
murderer - morderca
first - pierwszy
haunted - nawiedzany
remember - zapamiętaj
suppress - stłumić
Kliknij słowo lub podświetl zwrot, by zobaczyć jego tłumaczenie.
Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.
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