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What do you do for him?
I just mule.
Occasionally, not making a habit...
Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Lionel, what does that mean?
It means she's a drug runner, Bea. It means she carries drugs.
- Isn't that right, Helene? - Oh, my God, a few times.
- Where? - Providence...
Does it fucking matter?
You think I'm fucking around, here?
You think I'm playing games, here? 'Course it matters.
Better answer his question, Helene.
- For what? - Fuck's sake, Lionel.
- What do you think? Money, taste. - Of what, drugs?
No, little puffy heart stickers for my locker.
- What kind of drugs? - Cocaine and heroin.
- No, I would've seen the track marks. - Not if you snort it. Right, sugar?
Yeah, less addictive that way.
Piece of work.
What the fuck is that? Where are you going?
Oh, yeah. I keep thinking about this thing I heard.
- You know where I'm going with this? - No.
Did you know I used to work DCU?
- I give a fuck. - Okay.
So, I still know some of those guys real well.
Anyway, I heard someone ripped Cheese off on a New Hampshire run.
- Did you hear anything about that? - No.
- Care to take a polygraph? - I already took one.
Different questions this time.
Come on. It's all right.
We don't care about a couple of hopheads beating each other.
We care about your child.
So come on.
How much?
You even give a fuck about your kid?
'Course I do.
And we know you took the money. So just tell us how much you took.
How much?
How much?
where - gdzie
those - te
think - myśleć
thing - rzecz
taste - Smak
sugar - cukier
still - nadal
stickers - naklejki
someone - ktoś
snort - parsknięcie
ripped - podarte
right - dobrze
track - tor
habit - nawyk
heard - słyszał
games - gry
going - chodzenie
around - na około
times - czasy
different - różne
polygraph - wykrywacz kłamstw
couple - para
hampshire - hampshire
carries - niesie
matter - materia
beating - bicie
anyway - tak czy inaczej
already - już
means - znaczy
addictive - wciągający
playing - gra
cocaine - kokaina
thinking - myślący
child - dziecko
heart - serce
lionel - Lionel
drugs - leki
hopheads - Hopheads
runner - biegacz
cheese - ser
helene - helene
jesus - Jezus
matters - Sprawy
anything - byle co
money - pieniądze
joseph - joseph
occasionally - sporadycznie
little - mało
heroin - heroina
questions - pytania
better - lepszy
locker - szafka
making - zrobienie
fucking - pierdolony
answer - Odpowiedź
marks - znaki
about - o
other - inny
piece - kawałek
providence - opatrzność
puffy - podpuchnięte
question - pytanie
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