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Well, if you really wanna be popular
consider two little words, "sex" "tape."
Lois, you don't need these ax wounds.
If I can dress like them, so can you.
It's a gift from some drug dealer who went missing.
Just because you dress like us,
doesn't mean that you can be like one of us.
It doesn't matter what costume I wear, yours or mine,
I'm a superhero. That's who I am.
Okay, Captain Muffin-Muncher,
have fun playing make-believe.
This? This is all make-believe, Brooke.
The reality is you're an evil bitch
who's just as bad as the worst criminal scum.
You wanna get real, Mindy? In the real world, I win.
I go to an awesome college, I marry a hot guy
and I make adorable babies
for my nanny to take care of while we vacay in Paris.
My life is gonna rock and yours is gonna suck.
And no matter how slutty you dress,
no boy is ever gonna wanna kiss that hole you call a mouth.
So why don't you spare us all the whining and slit your wrists now?
'Cause the only thing that's gonna ruin my day
is looking at your face one more second.
- Told her. - Damn.
What's that? A ghetto cell phone?
Gonna call for help with a come-back?
Actually, my daddy bought this from a disgruntled DARPA employee.
You see, it was designed for crowd control, but deemed too severe.
It emits a pulse that creates spontaneous nausea and diarrhea.
He called it "the sick stick."
Well, either your daddy got ripped off,
or you're back in make-believe land, sweetheart,
because we feel fabulous.
Not for long.
Oh, my God!
- You get away from me. - Please, you win.
I don't wanna win. I just want to make the world a better place.
yours - twój
wrists - nadgarstki
worst - najgorszy
world - świat
words - Słowa
while - podczas gdy
these - te
superhero - superbohatera
stick - kij
spontaneous - spontaniczny
slutty - slutty
whining - jęk
reality - rzeczywistość
popular - popularny
please - proszę
playing - gra
place - miejsce
control - kontrola
darpa - darpa
bitch - suka
criminal - kryminalista
captain - kapitan
called - nazywa
muncher - Muncher
college - szkoła wyższa
adorable - godny podziwu
wounds - rany
dress - sukienka
ripped - podarte
crowd - tłum
missing - brakujący
believe - uwierzyć
sweetheart - kochanie
spare - zapasowy
creates - tworzy
actually - tak właściwie
because - bo
second - druga
daddy - tatuś
better - lepszy
babies - dzieci
diarrhea - biegunka
bought - kupiony
little - mało
vacay - vacay
brooke - brooke
designed - zaprojektowany
thing - rzecz
severe - silny
awesome - niesamowite
disgruntled - niezadowolony
either - zarówno
emits - emituje
really - naprawdę
muffin - bułeczka
employee - pracownik
fabulous - fantastyczny
dealer - kupiec
ghetto - getto
pulse - puls
gonna - gonna
matter - materia
costume - kostium
nausea - nudności
looking - patrząc
marry - żenić się
mindy - Mindy
deemed - uznane
mouth - usta
wanna - chcę
nanny - niania
paris - Paryż
consider - rozważać
phone - telefon
Kliknij słowo lub podświetl zwrot, by zobaczyć jego tłumaczenie.
Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.
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