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I'm Matilda. Lavender.
I'm Hortensia. - Hi.
She doesn't really hit children
with that riding crop, does she?
No, it's mostly for scare.
What she does is worse.
Like yesterday, in the second grade,
the Trunchbull makes a weekly visit
to every classroom to show the teachers
a thing or two about handling kids.
And Julius Rottwinkle ate two M&M's
during her lesson. - And she caught him?
Of course.
Was Julius okay? - After being
thrown out the window?
Of course he wasn't okay. He
lived, if that's what you mean.
The Trunchbull used to
be in the Olympics.
Shot put, javelin, hammer throw.
The hammer
throw is her specialty.
So she does this all the time?
Better than being put in the choky.
Yeah, the choky.
It's a tall, narrow hole
in the wall behind a door.
You have to stand in a drippy
pipe with jagged edges.
And the walls have broken
glass and nails sticking out.
Get inside, you
festering ball of pus!
She puts kids in there?
- I've been in twice.
Sometimes she leaves
you in there all day.
Didn't you tell your parents?
They didn't believe me.
I mean, would your
parents believe it?
Sixty lines after school:
I must obey Miss Trunchbull.
Out of my way.
- Here she comes.
Ahh, fresh meat.
Amanda Thripp.
Yes, Miss Trunchbull.
What are those? - What's
what, Miss Trunchbull?
down by your ears.
You mean my pigtails?
Are you a pig, Amanda?
No, Miss Trunchbull.
Do I allow pigs in my school?
My mommy thinks they're sweet.
Your mommy is a twit!
You'll chop those off before
school tomorrow or I will... - But...
I don't... But? Did
you say "but"?
Hammer throw. - What?
I'll give you "but"!
Good loft!
- And excellent release.
Think she'll make the fence?
Gonna be a close one.
yesterday - wczoraj
worse - gorzej
window - okno
walls - Ściany
twice - dwa razy
trunchbull - trunchbull
thrown - rzucony
throw - rzucać
those - te
teachers - nauczyciele
think - myśleć
sticking - klejący
stand - stoisko
sometimes - czasami
sixty - sześćdziesiąt
there - tam
school - szkoła
release - wydanie
visit - odwiedzić
really - naprawdę
narrow - wąska
during - podczas
tomorrow - jutro
second - druga
better - lepszy
behind - za
specialty - specjalność
drippy - drażliwy
definitely - zdecydowanie
classroom - klasa
children - dzieci
scare - przestraszyć
fence - płot
riding - jazda konna
caught - złapany
close - blisko
inside - wewnątrz
before - przed
julius - julius
broken - złamany
parents - rodzice
amanda - amanda
about - o
every - dejte pozor
thinks - myśli
matilda - Matilda
after - po
thing - rzecz
being - istota
olympics - igrzyska olimpijskie
choky - choky
edges - krawędzie
hammer - młot
excellent - doskonały
makes - czyni
sweet - słodkie
course - kurs
allow - dopuszczać
believe - uwierzyć
festering - świcie
would - by
pigtails - warkocze
mommy - mamusia
fresh - świeży
glass - szkło
comes - pochodzi
hanging - wiszące
jagged - szczerbaty
grade - stopień
weekly - co tydzień
handling - obsługa
javelin - oszczep
lavender - lawenda
leaves - odchodzi
lesson - lekcja
gonna - gonna
mostly - przeważnie
lines - kwestia
lived - Mieszkał
nails - paznokcie
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Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.
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