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Hi. Yeah, I'm sorry
about the weirdness the other day.
I have to say,
my feelings were a little bruised.
But, um... Thank you, Corky.
An apology is the sign of a gentleman.
Inga roped me into the shenanigans.
She's my sister,
but I also think she might be the devil.
Also, you know, I thought
if you gave me mouth-to-mouth...
...it would be a fantastic way for us
to get to know each other.
The truth is, you're awesome.
By the way, did you know
there's a mystery to this house?
I know.
I only recently discovered...
...that movies aren't shot
from beginning to end.
So I took the last movie
she ever made...
...and reassembled the shots
in the order they were photographed.
I just noticed something strange.
The last month before she disappeared,
she's only shown from here up.
Maybe she was pregnant.
She didn't have any kids.
Never married and no kids.
It's just a hunch.
Also, the photograph in this magazine
is dated just after her reappearance.
There's an X on her robe.
I believe that insignia will tell us
where she was hiding.
I've called all the hospitals and hotels
that include the letter X in them...
...but so far, nothing.
I need to talk to someone
who's an expert in clothing.
Oh, and one more thing.
She's often with this man,
but he's always obscured.
A hand at the edge of a picture,
a silhouette...
...even a blur.
I think she called him Z.
I have to find out who this man is.
I just have to solve this case.
What do you think?
I think the ability to sleuth
is an attractive quality in a woman.
would - by
truth - Prawda
thought - myśl
thank - podziękować
sleuth - szpieg
silhouette - sylwetka
sorry - przepraszam
shown - pokazane
shenanigans - shenanigans
roped - roped
strange - dziwne
recently - ostatnio
something - coś
reassembled - zmontowane
reappearance - ponowne ukazanie się
quality - jakość
someone - ktoś
pregnant - w ciąży
picture - obrazek
photographed - sfotografowany
shots - strzały
beginning - początek
hospitals - szpitale
might - moc
gentleman - pan
disappeared - zniknął
house - dom
mouth - usta
after - po
called - nazywa
always - zawsze
attractive - atrakcyjny
sister - siostra
insignia - insygnia
discovered - odkryty
apology - przeprosiny
feelings - uczucia
before - przed
where - gdzie
dated - przestarzały
noticed - zauważył
other - inny
about - o
hotels - hotele
believe - uwierzyć
think - myśleć
fantastic - fantastyczny
expert - ekspert
hunch - przeczucie
devil - diabeł
include - zawierać
letter - list
little - mało
corky - Corky
clothing - odzież
month - miesiąc
magazine - czasopismo
ability - zdolność
married - żonaty
mystery - zagadka
maybe - może
movie - film
movies - kino
weirdness - niesamowitość
thing - rzecz
solve - rozwiązać
hiding - ukrywanie
awesome - niesamowite
nothing - nic
obscured - zasłonięte
photograph - fotografia
bruised - posiniaczony
never - nigdy
often - często
woman - kobieta
order - zamówienie
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