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Rozpocznij naukę
Just relax, Jane.
Some of the ladies before you got a little nervous
a little lost in thought.
Perhaps that's because to them a thought is unfamiliar territory.
Do you see this as some kind of joke?
No, sir.
We've had some of these Women's Lib types in here causing a big fuss.
But that's not you, is it Jane?
No, sir.
Please take your glasses off.
I see you've had some disciplinary problems in the past.
I've had nothing but straight As in all my classes since the first grade.
Yes. Have you ever been with a man?
Have you?
You understand what this employment will require of you?
Will I get to travel into space?
If selected, yes.
No, I haven't been with a man.
How do you see your role on this journey?
My role?
Well, many of the girls we've interviewed see this as a paid vacation.
A chance to live the good life and meet the man of their dreams.
Do you see yourself as a tourist or a participant?
I've excelled in advanced physics, biology and astronomy.
A tourist is someone who
travels across the ocean only to be photographed sitting next to their boat.
I have no intention of being a tourist.
vacation - wakacje
understand - zrozumieć
travels - voyages
unfamiliar - nieznany
space - przestrzeń
journey - podróż
grade - stopień
nervous - nerwowy
travel - podróżować
glasses - okulary
someone - ktoś
these - te
girls - dziewczyny
excelled - doskonały
disciplinary - dyscyplinarny
because - bo
classes - zajęcia
interviewed - wywiad
since - od
territory - terytorium
photographed - sfotografowany
astronomy - astronomia
intention - zamiar
advanced - zaawansowane
employment - zatrudnienie
first - pierwszy
causing - spowodowanie
biology - biologia
perhaps - może
their - ich
tourist - turysta
before - przed
straight - proste
chance - szansa
dreams - marzenia
little - mało
types - Typy
across - przez
being - istota
nothing - nic
ocean - ocean
participant - uczestnik
sitting - posiedzenie
physics - fizyka
problems - problemy
ladies - damski
thought - myśl
please - proszę
relax - zrelaksować się
require - wymagać
yourself - siebie
selected - wybrany
Kliknij słowo lub podświetl zwrot, by zobaczyć jego tłumaczenie.
Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.