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So what you're saying is...
that instead of erasing the video
like you said that you would,
you actually ended up
sending it
to everyone that you ever given
one of those fucking iPads to?
- That is not at all what happened.
- No?
Well, technically, yes!
It's exactly what happened.
But it was so accidental,
it doesn't even qualify as...
Thank you.
Hank Rosenbaum!
- What?
- The Piper Brothers guy!
- You gave him one?
- Yes! I told you I needed one for work.
I put my entire
presentation on it.
I'm supposed to be the model
Piper Brothers mother!
Maybe he hasn't
seen it yet.
As a matter of fact, Annie, I'm willing
to bet that none of these people
have even noticed that the
video is on there yet.
Except for this text, but...
What text?
I received a text.
From who?
It's unclear.
I'm not sure how to hurt
you right now, Jay.
I know. But let's take
a deep breath.
Come sit down next to me.
Come sit down. Come here.
Let's look at what's
actually happened.
We made a video of
ourselves having sex
for about three hours,
and it was amazing, right?
- Yeah, no, it was great.
- Okay.
And then you asked me
to erase it and I forgot.
- You forgot?
- I forgot.
And now our video has been
synced to several devices.
All of which, though, are basically
in the possession of friends.
- Oh, God.
- And acquaintances.
And the mailman.
Who sent you
that text, Jay?
I don't know.
I don't know, Annie.
Did you call the number?
That is actually
a really good idea.
Oh, my God.
- Voice mail!
- Okay, oh.
Hi, this is Jay Hargrove.
Could you give me a call back at
your earliest convenience, please?
I believe you have
the number. Bye.
That's it?
What the hell else was I
supposed to say to the guy?
"Who the fuck is this?"
I wouldn't call back if someone
left that on my machine.
Okay, we have to get
these iPads back right now.
- Hi, Mom!
- Hi, honey.
Is there any chance
that you might be able to come and...
watch the kids
for us, like right away?
Right now?
We really need you to,
like, right away
Why, I... I suppose.
Thanks, Mom. That's so great.
Hold on a second. What?
It might be worth
asking your mom,
to bring her iPad.
And could you
bring your iPad, too?
- My iPad?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- Great, okay.
- What are you not gonna forget?
- The iPad.
So say goodbye, hang up
and then come right away.
Okay. All right.
- Can you hang up?
- Okay, honey.
Okay, hang up now, Mom.
Okay, say goodbye.
Okay, hang up.
- Bye.
- Okay, bye!
Who else
has these things?
Let's think about it.
Robby, the mailman...
Every time you say
"mailman," Jay,
I'm just gonna hit you.
willing - skłonny
unclear - niejasny
though - chociaż
three - trzy
those - te
which - który
think - myśleć
these - te
there - tam
thank - podziękować
watch - zegarek
technically - technicznie
synced - zsynchronizowany
supposed - domniemany
suppose - przypuszczać
someone - ktoś
sending - wysyłanie
second - druga
saying - powiedzenie
right - dobrze
qualify - zakwalifikować
possession - posiadanie
please - proszę
things - rzeczy
people - ludzie
voice - głos
ourselves - my sami
mother - mama
model - model
erase - wymazać
forget - zapomnieć
ended - zakończył się
video - wideo
noticed - zauważył
earliest - Najwcześniej
about - o
could - mógłby
presentation - prezentacja
gonna - gonna
bring - przynieść
amazing - niesamowity
really - naprawdę
everyone - każdy
brothers - braci
rosenbaum - rosenbaum
except - z wyjątkiem
piper - dudziarz
breath - oddech
asking - pytając
actually - tak właściwie
forgot - zapomniałem
accidental - przypadkowy
machine - maszyna
might - moc
entire - cały
matter - materia
annie - annie
basically - gruntownie
worth - wartość
acquaintances - znajomi
would - by
received - odebrane
convenience - wygoda
exactly - dokładnie
several - kilka
asked - spytał
believe - uwierzyć
every - dejte pozor
thanks - dzięki
devices - pomysłowość
friends - przyjaciele
erasing - kasowanie
fucking - pierdolony
instead - zamiast
happened - stało się
needed - potrzebne
goodbye - do widzenia
hargrove -
having - mający
number - numer
great - wspaniały
hours - godziny
honey - kochanie
chance - szansa
ipads - ipady
mailman - listonosz
given - dany
maybe - może
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