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You know how I was telling you
about my brother
selling his half of mom's land in Texas?
Well, now that you're getting married
and you have all these nice things...
we were thinking that maybe we could
borrow the money to buy it.
So, the only reason why you're being nice
to David is because you want his money?
No, it's not the only reason.
I'm also just a nice person.
- You are a nice person.
- Thank you.
We wouldn't ask
if it wasn't urgent, honey.
How much?
- No, let's not get...
- About a million.
A million dollars.
- A little under.
- A little under.
Well, if uncle Jim's land is worth
that much than yours is too.
Well, I don't know,
I've never had it appraised. I-I-I...
My father taught me,
you never sell land.
- Good advice.
- Right.
Grandma Smith died when I was eleven.
Have you been sitting on
a million dollars since I was eleven?
No, no. It appreciates over time.
It escalates.
You knew about this?
Do you realize what we could
have done with that money?
I don't want my kids raised
on a goddamn handout.
What the hell?
What the hell is wrong with you?
Nice, Rose.
Hey, Mountain Goat.
Don't ever call me that again.
- Jeannette.
- David, please.
Come on. I know you're upset, but let's
just go back and talk about this. Come on.
Dad, why do you think
all of us ran away from you?
We were drowning.
I still don't understand
why you followed us here.
We wanted to be a family again.
We were never a family, mom.
We were a nightmare.
Your mom and I did everything
we could for you, okay?
- We looked after you...
- Bullshit!
- ...a happy family.
- Bullshit! We did it!
We took care of each other
because you were too drunk to.
It was your job to protect us
and you didn't even try.
That ain't true, okay?
- You got some kind...
- It is true.
...history going on. You were a...
- Dad!
- ...kid.
- Stop...
- And they were happy kids.
And we looked after you! And...
Stop talking!
Talking is not trying!
You talked my whole goddamn life!
I believed you.
- Come on.
- Don't.
- Hey, don't, don't do this.
I don't want you in my life.
- Jeannette, you ...
- I don't want you to call,
or write, or show up out of the blue.
I don't want another one
of your bullshit stories.
I don't want to see you anymore.
yours - twój
wrong - źle
whole - cały
urgent - pilny
upset - zdenerwowany
understand - zrozumieć
trying - próbować
thinking - myślący
uncle - wujek
things - rzeczy
these - te
texas - texas
telling - wymowny
still - nadal
smith - kowal
sitting - posiedzenie
write - pisać
selling - sprzedawanie
right - dobrze
reason - powód
realize - realizować
think - myśleć
escalates - eskaluje
drunk - pijany
raised - podniesiony
dollars - [object Object]
appraised - wyceniony
worth - wartość
david - dawid
bullshit - głupie gadanie
million - milion
brother - brat
wanted - chciał
going - chodzenie
under - pod
eleven - jedenaście
after - po
handout - materiały informacyjne
advice - rada
getting - coraz
drowning - utonięcie
anymore - już
talked - rozmawiał
everything - wszystko
because - bo
followed - poszedł za nią
since - od
borrow - pożyczać
could - mógłby
mountain - Góra
appreciates - docenia
please - proszę
being - istota
maybe - może
little - mało
family - rodzina
father - ojciec
goddamn - przeklęty
protect - ochraniać
happy - szczęśliwy
stories - opowieści
history - historia
taught - nauczony
person - osoba
another - inne
honey - kochanie
again - jeszcze raz
jeannette - jeannette
thank - podziękować
believed - uwierzyli
money - pieniądze
looked - spojrzał
nightmare - koszmar
married - żonaty
grandma - babcia
never - nigdy
talking - mówić
about - o
other - inny
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