
"Alright class, I'm the professor

I'm gonna begin the lecture today

Now, just so that we're all clear

This is Gallifreyan History 101

So please make sure you're in the right class...

There's always one isn't there

Right for the rest of us we've got a lot to cover

So let's get started"

At first we were just Gallifreyans and that was fine

Just taking up space and biding our time

Until Rassilon came along

With his ever present sense of right and wrong

He was strong, he was mighty

He was the founder of Time Lord Society

Now this is the subject that everybody finds the hardest

But you’re gonna have to pass it if you want to earn your TARDIS

wrong - errado
until - até
under - sob
through - através
there - há
taking - levando
takes - leva
subject - sujeito
spoken - falada
space - espaço
sense - sentido
source - fonte
schism - cisma
russell - russell
right - certo
professor - professor
power - poder
strong - forte
cunning - destreza
travelling - viajando
cover - tampa
messed - bagunçado
class - classe
adhere - aderir
havoc - havoc
called - chamado
started - começado
davies - davies
along - ao longo
about - sobre
society - sociedade
present - presente
bouncing - saltando
today - hoje
lecture - palestra
which - qual
devised - concebido
could - poderia
first - primeiro
causing - causando
buddy - camarada
always - sempre
amaze - surpreender
doesn - doesn
begin - início
alright - bem
history - história
tardis - tardis
clear - claro
biding - aguardando
please - por favor
erased - apagado
hardest - mais difícil
everybody - todo mundo
mighty - poderoso
academy - academia
finds - encontra
found - encontrado
comparison - comparação
gonna - vai
interfere - interferir
travel - viagem
omega - ómega
graduating - se formando
gravy - molho
impossible - impossível
interstellar - interestelar
founder - fundador
lords - senhores
science - ciência
really - realmente
mastered - dominado
would - seria
least - pelo menos
nobody - ninguém
piece - peça

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