Shaking hands, cannot catch my breath, It's and I'm scared to death

My darkest side, has come alive…

Can't hid the hell I live in every day

You say its just a phase, I'll be okay

What you can't feel, must not be real…

I wear my heart here on my sleeve

But you can't see, no one sees…

This is killing me

I can barely breathe

No one knows what is inside of me

Too late to fit in, don't you dare pretend, You know what it's like, to watch the world outside

While you're buried alive…

would - seria
whore - prostituta
while - enquanto
watch - assistir
under - sob
surface - superfície
story - história
still - ainda
sorry - desculpa
world - mundo
sleeve - manga
shaking - tremendo
scared - assustada
phase - estágio
paralyzed - paralisado
pretend - faz de conta
outside - lado de fora
buried - enterrado
breathe - respirar
beneath - abaixo
silent - silencioso
seems - parece
breath - respiração
attention - atenção
knows - sabe
barely - mal
everything - tudo
alive - vivo
anyone - alguém
catch - pegar
heart - coração
choose - escolher
darkest - mais escuro
cannot - não podes
death - morte
running - corrida
killing - matando
faceless - sem rosto
desperate - desesperado
every - cada
anxiety - ansiedade
falling - queda
hands - mãos
inside - dentro

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