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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Rejoin - Dethklok

Rejoin - Dethklok

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Blind men escape from the sky

Condemned the Klok counts down

The ghost that's still alive

Infests your mind with fog

Venom spearing

Spells adhering

Sweating fearing

Madness takes you down


Man dies he was stricken

With a scepter

In his hands clutching ancient script

Foretold of world's destruction

Blackened acid leaking from his lips

Night raven casts alarming shadows

Dwellers hide fearing ending times

A sharpened trident blessed by elder


Not enough to quell the DETH


Black cloud


Oceans blood

Beasts drown

Lights dim

Moon dies

Earth's heart

Leaks life

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