I know you're there, alone in your bed

And I want you to think of me

And I want you to imagine how it would be

Feeling my body

So close, so hot and so tender

And you hear me whispering in your ears

Words you've never heard before

Oh, listen, baby

And when you fall asleep

would - seria
words - palavras
whispering - sussurrando
could - poderia
asleep - adormecido
alone - sozinho
think - pensar
dreams - sonhos
dream - sonhe
before - antes
close - fechar
feeling - sentindo-me
every - cada
imagine - imagine
touched - tocou
touch - tocar
happen - acontecer
sweet - doce
discovers - descobre
heard - ouviu
listen - ouço
never - nunca
salty - salgado
spots - pontos
taste - gosto
tender - concurso
there - há

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