Don't try so hard to be different

The cracks are beginning to show

You drift like a cloud through the festival crowd

In a frock coat from Saville Row

You've just been an all-night party

Where I have to admit it takes pluck

To go out on the floor and proclaim "What a bore"

In a T-shirt that reads "Disco Sucks"

Yes, here he comes, the not-so-young

Pretender to the Throne

He's singing "Rag, Momma, Rag"

Won't you give that poor dog a bone?

And he's wondering why we can't connect

When he's sworn to us that he's totally wrecked

On the rustic charm that he affects

On a public schoolboy whim

With a raggle taggle plastic gypsy

Robert Zimmerframe

With a synthesized accordian

A-scramblin' up my brain

young - jovem
wondering - perguntando
tribes - tribos
totally - totalmente
while - enquanto
their - deles
singing - cantando
rustic - rústico
robert - robert
public - público
summer - verão
proclaim - proclamar
pretender - pretendente
where - onde
shirt - camisa
plastic - plástico
perpetuate - perpetuar
paltry - insignificante
overrated - superestimado
sworn - jurado
detestable - detestável
guitar - violão
crowd - multidão
charge - carregar
throne - trono
contact - contato
gorgeous - linda
sucks - é uma merda
connect - conectar
disco - discoteca
comes - vem
ritual - ritual
night - noite
schoolboy - estudante
charm - charme
momma - mãe
cracks - rachaduras
carcase - carcaça
sears - sears
dying - morrendo
exorcised - exorcizado
rotting - apodrecendo
hippy - hippy
caustic - cáustico
descending - descendente
before - antes
truly - verdadeiramente
cloud - nuvem
trashed - destroçado
account - conta
pluck - arranca
ashes - cinzas
wrecked - naufragado
burned - queimou
different - diferente
beginning - começando
empty - vazio
admit - admitem
counter - contador
brains - cérebro
through - através
dreams - sonhos
affects - afeta
drift - deriva
party - festa
frock - vestido
excuse - desculpa
folks - pessoal
festival - festival
fiddle - violino
vultures - abutres
gathering - reunindo
takes - leva
brain - cérebro
floor - chão
reads - lê
frazzled - esfarrapado
gesture - gesto
synthesized - sintetizado
stage - etapa
overpaid - pago em excesso
gypsy - cigano
music - música

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