The grass was as green as it always was that sinister day
The Blackbird sang their songs as they always did that black-letter day
The day we passed the great gate for the very last time
I did not look back, I knew we'd stay
I knew they I would not let us go leave the death strip
I saw the gleam in their eyes of fear and enslavement
Suffering from the crushing weight
Beloveth ground take me home
Alesia, Alisanos
Wake me when I'm gone
Ianotouta, eternity
Proclaim our barren sacrifice
weight - peso
walked - caminhou
trailed - arrastou
their - deles
tears - lágrimas
songs - músicas
sacrifice - sacrifício
proclaim - proclamar
times - vezes
passed - passado
outside - lado de fora
offered - oferecido
letter - carta
cries - chora
embraced - abraçou
black - preto
living - vivo
alleys - becos
blackbird - passaro preto
barren - estéril
strip - faixa
leave - sair
alesia - alésia
thousand - mil
before - antes
doors - portas
where - onde
cherished - apreciado
always - sempre
death - morte
deathly - mortal
would - seria
sinister - sinistro
grass - grama
crushing - esmagamento
enslavement - escravização
gleam - brilho
yielded - cedeu
eternity - eternidade
suffering - sofrimento
ground - chão
great - ótimo
green - verde
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