There's a long line of mourners driving down our little street

Their fancy cars are such a sight to see, oh, yeah

They're all of your rich friends who knew you in the city

And now they've finally brought, brought you home to me

When you left you know you told me that some day you'd be returnin'

In a fancy car all the town to see, oh, yeah

wheel - roda
watching - assistindo
watch - assistir
through - através
their - deles
street - rua
riding - equitação
party - festa
driving - dirigindo
dream - sonhe
black - preto
highway - rodovia
chauffeur - motorista
sight - vista
dreams - sonhos
heart - coração
everyone - todos
crash - batida
brought - trouxe
never - nunca
fatal - fatal
fancy - chique
filled - preenchidas
finally - finalmente
papers - papéis
curve - curva
friends - amigos
dressed - vestido
little - pequeno
limousine - limusine
mourners - enlutados
night - noite

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