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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Mrs. Bartolozzi - Kate Bush

Mrs. Bartolozzi - Kate Bush

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

I remember it was that Wednesday

Oh when it rained and it rained

They traipsed mud all over the house

It took hours and hours to scrub it out

All over the hall carpet

I took my mop and my bucket

And I cleaned and I cleaned

The kitchen floor

Until it sparkled

Then I took my laundry basket

And put all the linen in it

And everything I could fit in it

All our dirty clothes that hadn’t gone into the wash

And all your shirts and jeans and things

And put them in the new washing machine

Washing machine

Washing machine

I watched them going ’round and ’round

My blouse wrapping itself around your trousers