It's so easy to become caught up in your own life
Filled with all of your own problems, can't even sleep at night
Everyday it's like a new problem arrives
Need to ground yourself, can't afford to lose your mind
If you wanna know the secret, if you want the best advice
Come and take a listen
Fall in love with what you find
Go and tell your mama you love her, go and tell your mama you love her
Without her you could not love another, without her you could not love another
Go and tell your mama you love her
without - sem
wanna - quero
sister - irmã
secret - segredo
problems - problemas
problem - problema
peoples - povos
nothing - nada
night - noite
months - meses
caught - apanhado
another - outro
those - essa
homies - homies
become - tornar-se
arrives - chega
apologizing - pedindo desculpas
cause - causa
listen - ouço
brother - irmão
cousins - primos
afford - proporcionar
thank - obrigado
already - já
filled - preenchidas
advice - conselho
constantly - constantemente
sleep - dormir
every - cada
could - poderia
daddy - papai
happened - aconteceu
everyday - todo dia
remember - lembrar
first - primeiro
yourself - você mesmo
everything - tudo
things - coisas
ground - chão
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