Oh kids these days

They don't have respect

They just talk on those cellphones

And listen to their tape cassettes

It's what that teacher said

With disgust in every breath

His students listened carelessly

They were easily unimpressed

He said it with such conviction

works - trabalho
wheel - roda
watch - assistir
truth - verdade
trillion - trilhão
through - através
these - estes
their - deles
spanish - espanhol
respect - respeito
teacher - professor
prayer - oração
those - essa
occasion - ocasião
questionnaire - questionário
marvel - maravilha
cassettes - cassetes
breath - respiração
always - sempre
students - alunos
cellphones - celulares
another - outro
round - volta
floor - chão
affair - caso
conquest - conquista
conviction - convicção
breakthrough - avançar
disgust - desgosto
depressions - depressões
reinvent - reinventar
every - cada
listen - ouço
easily - facilmente
whether - se
fiction - ficção
bring - trazer
found - encontrado
there - há
gravity - gravidade
listened - ouvido
carelessly - descuidadamente
little - pequeno

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