You left in the fall when all the leaves decay

And I didn't know...

The night, the dark, the moonlight in your burning eyes

And now you're back to haunt my soul, to take my will

You are the one who never fears a broken mind

Your hands can touch the innocence in me,

and tear it all apart so I am free.

There was a time and you were near to me

Your hand, my face in perfect enmity

And I grow a precious white lily

for every moment I treasured so dearly

treasured - tesouro
tortured - torturado
shadows - sombras
roses - rosas
trees - árvores
pride - orgulho
precious - precioso
enmity - inimizade
white - branco
perfect - perfeito
decay - decair
strength - força
night - noite
innocence - inocência
dearly - muito caro
chance - chance
burning - queimando
bridge - ponte
broken - partido
hands - mãos
there - há
allowed - permitido
placed - colocou
fears - medos
haunt - assombro
lowland - planície
apart - separados
black - preto
every - cada
follow - segue
grave - grave
moment - momento
leaves - sai
touch - tocar
moonlight - luar
never - nunca

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