All the way down, finding my way around

Stars at night to cover me

Back and fourth searching for my way north

Unbroken ground I'm wandering

Love is around, love is around baby

Tryna get out, tryna be found and maybe

I've gotta get lost to get where I'm going

Like roses we're only here for a moment

Ashes to ashes, mountains will always need to be climbed

But we only go one foot at a time

Our voices tryna be more than just noises

where - onde
unbroken - inteiro
wandering - vagando
symphony - sinfonia
voices - vozes
stars - estrelas
north - norte
noises - ruídos
nobody - ninguém
finding - encontrando
climbed - escalada
inside - dentro
catastrophe - catástrofe
battles - batalhas
searching - procurando
alive - vivo
around - por aí
ashes - cinzas
music - música
roses - rosas
myself - eu mesmo
dancing - dançando
found - encontrado
gotta - tenho que
tryna - tryna
survive - sobreviver
cover - tampa
fourth - quarto
moment - momento
plays - tocam
going - indo
ground - chão
night - noite
always - sempre
heaven - céu
leave - sair
maybe - talvez
mountains - montanhas

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