I wonder who you think you are
You damn well think you're God or something
God give life, God take it away, not you
I think you are the devil itself
If hospitals cure
Then prisons must bring their pain
Don't be ashamed to slaughter
The centre of humanity is cruelty
There is never redemption
Any fool can regret yesterday
Nail it to the House of Lords
You will be buried in the same box as a killer, as a killer, as a
A drained white body hangs from the gallows
Is more righteous than Hindley's crotchet lectures
Pain not penance, forget martyrs, remember victims
The weak die young and right now we crouch to make them strong
white - branco
think - pensar
their - deles
sterilise - esterilizar
wonder - maravilha
slaughter - matança
saying - dizendo
righteous - justo
holes - buracos
deserve - merecer
strong - forte
forget - esqueço
hospitals - hospitais
vessel - embarcação
ireland - Irlanda
dahmer - dahmer
yesterday - ontem
horses - cavalos
brady - brady
gallows - forca
ashamed - envergonhado
hangs - trava
bloody - sangrento
bring - trazer
death - morte
peace - paz
victims - vítimas
there - há
centre - centro
chains - correntes
cruelty - crueldade
buried - enterrado
needed - necessário
something - alguma coisa
execution - execução
devil - diabo
lords - senhores
preach - pregar
drained - drenado
pickles - picles
crouch - agachar-se
itself - em si
blanche - blanche
house - casa
world - mundo
regret - arrepender
right - certo
humanity - humanidade
torso - tronco
punish - punir
killer - assassino
themselves - si mesmos
killers - assassinos
makes - faz com que
lectures - palestras
martyrs - mártires
extinction - extinção
rapists - estupradores
young - jovem
never - nunca
respect - respeito
penance - penitência
prisons - prisões
redemption - redenção
remember - lembrar
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