The high priest of money looks down on the river
The dawn coming up on his kingdom of gold
When the rim of the sun sends an arrow of silver
He prays to the gods of the bought and the sold
He turns to his symbols, his ribbons of numbers
They circle and spin on their mystical scroll
He looks for a sign while the city still slumbers
And the ribbons and the river forever unroll
In his kingdom of gold, his kingdom of gold
Kingdom of gold, his kingdom of gold
levelled - nivelado
burned - queimou
kingdom - reino
turbulent - turbulento
horizon - horizonte
haven - refúgio
numbers - números
raiders - рейдеры
leaders - líderes
traces - traços
prays - reza
money - dinheiro
mystical - místico
falter - vacilar
enemy - inimigo
devils - demonios
bought - comprou
castle - castelo
jackals - chacais
forever - para sempre
citadel - cidadela
arrow - flecha
sends - envia
still - ainda
armour - armaduras
camps - acampamentos
fortress - fortaleza
circle - círculo
looks - parece
smoke - fumaça
taken - ocupado
coming - chegando
conquer - conquistar
priest - sacerdote
rabble - chute
ravens - corvos
walls - paredes
river - rio
while - enquanto
their - deles
scroll - rolagem
silver - prata
slumbers - bebês
symbols - símbolos
ribbons - fitas
these - estes
turns - gira
unroll - desenrolar
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