There are no words in times like these

When tears don't hide the tragedies

And all you want is a reason for the world

No comfort in the greeting card

Cause God is good, But life's still hard

and your heart just wants a reason for the world

Maybe the reason for the pain

Is so we would pray for strength

And maybe the reason for the strength

Is so that we would not lose hope

And maybe the reason for all hope

Is so that we could face the world

And the reason for the world

Is to make us long for home

For God so loved your broken heart

He sent his son to where you are

words - palavras
whose - de quem
where - onde
would - seria
weary - cansado
tired - cansado
wildest - mais selvagem
voice - voz
times - vezes
there - há
tears - lágrimas
still - ainda
sorrows - tristezas
rests - repousa
remember - lembrar
surrounded - cercado
could - poderia
alone - sozinho
broken - partido
hands - mãos
world - mundo
comfort - conforto
tragedies - tragédias
beyond - além
mercy - misericórdia
cause - causa
beauty - beleza
walked - caminhou
reason - razão
begun - começou
awaits - Aguarda
grace - graça
welcome - bem vinda
these - estes
child - criança
greeting - cumprimento
heard - ouviu
loved - amado
dreams - sonhos
heart - coração
strength - força
heaven - céu
wants - quer
maybe - talvez
point - ponto

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