They're walking by the night

The moon has frozen blue

Long black coats a shelter for the rain

Their load must get through

Now bats are leaving their trees

They're joining the call

Seven satanic Hell preachers

Heading for the hall

Bringing the blood of a newborn child

Got to succeed, if not it's Satan's fall

Curse Of The Pharaohs

Away out in Egypt in the valley of kings

Where the mummified pharaohs

Pretend dead in their sleep

Don't touch, never ever steal

Unless you're in for the kill

Or you'll be hit by the curse of the pharaohs

Yes you'll be hit and the curse is on you

The curse of the pharaohs can be so deadly

Just destroying your future

Makin' it all shady

Don't touch, never ever steal

Unless you're in for the kill

Or you'll be hit by the curse of the pharaohs

Yes you'll be hit and the curse is on you

A Corpse Without Soul

Listen, I'm a corpse, I'm a corpse

where - onde
valley - vale
until - até
undress - despir
under - sob
touch - tocar
white - branco
tonight - esta noite
their - deles
taken - ocupado
witch - bruxa
sleep - dormir
shady - sombrio
without - sem
satan - satan
priestess - sacerdotisa
raised - levantado
center - centro
unless - a menos que
again - novamente
walking - caminhando
first - primeiro
destroying - destruindo
steal - roubar
black - preto
through - através
beyond - além
going - indo
succeed - ter sucesso
joining - juntando-se
satanic - satânico
cross - cruz
become - tornar-se
future - futuro
newborn - recém nascido
follow - segue
goodbye - tchau
coven - multidão
blood - sangue
coats - casacos
grave - grave
gotta - tenho que
funeral - funeral
egypt - egito
listen - ouço
pharaohs - faraós
shelter - abrigo
bringing - trazendo
pretend - faz de conta
seven - sete
cemetery - cemitério
trapped - preso
child - criança
never - nunca
shame - vergonha
ground - chão
heading - encabeçando
insane - insano
legions - legiões
watch - assistir
inside - dentro
curse - maldição
leaving - deixando
deadly - mortal
kings - reis
pleasure - prazer
leave - sair
spell - soletrar
corpse - cadáver
mummified - mumificado
frozen - congeladas
mercenary - mercenário
naked - nu
night - noite
trees - árvores
preachers - pregadores

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