For next to nothin'

Your soul could be mine

Now that I got your attention, look you dead in the eyes

If you're gunna make a move, let it be quick

Because the last mother fucker stuttered and got clipped

I stick and move like a dog in the night

Who proud but won't growl before I'm gun' bite

Street lamps light the way as I stray

Past the corner liquor store and the penny arcade

Juiced on bennys and hard lemonade

I boost so many sweets I've got tooth decay

Who say, that Mickey can't rock your life

I've been up for 2 days straight

and 3 nights

I wear my lee's tight

and tapered at the bottom

I bought them at the swap meet in Spanish Harlem

So if you got a problem

You know where I'm at

Lurkin' in the garden with snakes and gutter rats

At the end of the eve we

Roll up our sleeves

Mess with my stake and I'm gunna have to swing

So don't make nothin' more difficult

Blood starts gushin' when I kick your skull

At the end of the eve we

Roll up our sleeves

Mess with my stake and I'm gunna have to swing

So don't make nothin' more difficult

Blood starts gushin' when I kick your skull

With eyes on the back of my head after dark

I'm just a lone drifter on the lookout for a mark

I've got angles that'll tangle masterminds with heart

fuck it I'll even run a bum for his shopping cart

When I was young my father, rest in peace

young - jovem
where - onde
triangles - triângulos
tooth - dente
tight - justa
through - através
these - estes
taught - ensinado
tangle - emaranhado
juiced - espremido
harlem - harlem
crush - a paixão súbita
growl - rosnar
cheek - bochecha
fucker - idiota
enemies - inimigos
drifter - vagabundo
crazy - louco
chimneys - chaminés
slice - fatia
razor - navalha
dance - dança
could - poderia
swing - balanço
clubs - clubes
lamps - lâmpadas
arcade - videogames
garden - jardim
mother - mãe
because - porque
starts - começa
attitude - atitude
close - fechar
along - ao longo
before - antes
riddled - riscado
brought - trouxe
heart - coração
proud - orgulhoso
leader - líder
corner - canto
avalon - Avalon
father - pai
breasts - peitos
takes - leva
problem - problema
fucked - fodido
light - luz
peace - paz
skull - crânio
clipped - cortado
clean - limpar \ limpo
black - preto
other - de outros
gutter - calha
stray - disperso
boost - impulso
stick - bastão
bottom - inferior
bought - comprou
liquor - licor
slabs - lajes
decay - decair
chucks - mandris
hooks - ganchos
chumps - chumps
lemonade - limonada
little - pequeno
masterminds - célebres
tapered - afunilada
nights - noites
lookout - tenha cuidado
stake - estaca
store - loja
better - melhor
mickey - mickey
attention - atenção
mothers - mães
nerve - nervo
night - noite
penny - centavo
pocket - carteira
quick - rápido
difficult - difícil
rhyme - rima
after - depois de
blood - sangue
straight - direto
shitty - merda
shopping - compras
making - fazer
short - curto
skies - céus
sleeves - mangas
skilled - especializado
snakes - cobras
spanish - espanhol
angles - ângulos
spheres - esferas
break - pausa

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