Two kids from Tacoma

In a '72 Nova,

No pill and barely old enough to drink,

Learned the ropes and tested science,

Started pentecostal riots,

In just five minutes behind the rolling rink,

In the backseat brings

The American dream on a shoestring,

First you grow it, then you show it,

Give a good push just like a Brady,

Say you'll love them 'till your eighty,

Too soon to be a mother and father,

But too late for the alma mater,

Yeah it's always in the water

Babies makin' babies

Between diplomas and the diapers,

water - agua
turns - gira
tried - tentou
thing - coisa
thats - isso é
tested - testado
father - pai
american - americano
ropes - cordas
diapers - fraldas
drink - beber
dream - sonhe
mater - mater
riots - distúrbios
couch - sofá
eighty - oitenta
christen - batizar
backseat - banco de trás
equation - equação
population - população
babies - bebês
family - família
finders - buscadores
could - poderia
always - sempre
enough - suficiente
become - tornar-se
quarter - trimestre
pentecostal - pentecostal
small - pequeno
between - entre
brady - brady
brings - traz
behind - atrás
forgiven - perdoado
maytag - maytag
barely - mal
happened - aconteceu
mother - mãe
learned - aprendido
first - primeiro
maintains - mantém
shoestring - sapatos
makin - fazendo
microwave - microondas
science - ciência
minutes - minutos
mistake - erro
diplomas - diplomas
rolling - rolando
started - começado
tacoma - tacoma

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