Bet it, bet it taste like candy [3X]


I broke up wit my ex I couldn't take his sarcasm

Everytime we bone I had to fake an orgasm

Moanin and groanin tried to make him feel manly

I'd rather use my toys, plus my hands come in handy

I finally told him that my heart was somewhere else

Whenever we sexed I wished that he was someone else

That dude that approached me at the bar the other night

That be the mister right and hot enough to melt some ice

I think I'm in love like Beyonce be with Jigga

It's not his major figure that want him to be my nigga

He got that magic stick that make my little pussy quiver

Juices runnin like a river slowly down my kitty litter

Boy I'm so glad I found a nigga like you

A thug like you to make a girl say - oh

Hope he feel as strong as my po hah do

With you by my side its like I'm drunk off booze

If you be my man only my man I wouldn't mind tastin your magic stick, magic stick

If you don't cheat or sleep around aint nothing wrong wit tastin your magic stick


wrong - errado
workin - trabalhar em
wished - desejava
whenever - sempre que
wanna - quero
tried - tentou
think - pensar
strong - forte
stick - bastão
someone - alguém
slowly - lentamente
sleep - dormir
slaves - escravos
shade - sombra
sexed - sexado
scary - assustador
runnin - correndo
river - rio
right - certo
rather - em vez
quiver - tremor
sarcasm - sarcasmo
other - de outros
orgasm - orgasmo
nothing - nada
nigga - nigga
plenty - abundância
finally - finalmente
around - por aí
enough - suficiente
kitty - gatinha
double - duplo
night - noite
cushion - almofada
handy - acessível
everytime - toda vez
voodoo - voodoo
contrary - contrário
booze - bebidas alcoólicas
whipped - açoitado
could - poderia
check - verifica
little - pequeno
boyfriend - namorado
figure - figura
chicks - pintinhos
carry - levar
cheat - enganação
grind - moer
interlude - interlúdio
candy - doces
janet - janet
lemonade - limonada
major - principal
beyonce - beyonce
manly - viril
found - encontrado
guess - acho
approached - se aproximou
hands - mãos
drunk - bêbado
bullet - bala
heart - coração
somewhere - algum lugar
broke - quebrou
juices - sucos
taste - gosto
legendary - lendário
litter - lixo
magic - magia
pussy - bichano
marry - casar
proof - prova
jigga - jigga
meant - significava
missy - senhorita
mister - senhor
mouth - boca
moanin - moanin
necessary - necessário

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