[Grand Puba]
Yeah, Missy Elliott, Grand Puba
[Missy Elliott]
Y'all don't really know who I am, God damn
I'm like grease in the frying pan cause I am
bacon, eggs, toast, butter
Smooth sexy lover more FRESH than others
Go ask your brother if y'all don't believe
I control the industry cause Missy in the lead
{*scratching*} Uhh, I'm talkin to you man
With my upper hand, the fans call me Dapper Dan
When I was young my pops, throw rocks
Always shit talk to my moms and call the cops
Couldn't wait 'til I was nice and grown
Sick of daddy mouth 'til six in the morn'
On and on and on 'til the record scratch
And if I made a few scraps I would never come back (YES!)
Take moms with me and a few ADAT's
And make a song about dad and tell pops he's a rat (YES!)
[scratched] hold up
[Refrén 2X: Missy Elliott]
Y'all don't really know my life
Y'all don't really know my struggles and how much liquor I guzzle (YES!)
Y'all don't really know my fears
waste - desperdício
trouble - problema
traps - armadilhas
tigger - tigre
throwback - retrocesso
throw - lançar
talkin - conversando
things - coisas
struggles - lutas
somethin - algo
stayed - fiquei
scratching - arranhando
scratched - riscado
scratch - coçar, arranhão
scraps - restos
rocks - pedras
record - registro
ready - pronto
quick - rápido
smooth - suave
school - escola
places - locais
shots - tiros
paper - papel
nigga - nigga
young - jovem
never - nunca
would - seria
fresh - fresco
changes - alterar
brother - irmão
cause - causa
break - pausa
really - realmente
green - verde
rumble - rumble
industry - indústria
three - três
entertain - entreter
known - conhecido
sells - vende
lover - amante
thankful - grato
about - sobre
bills - contas
comeback - volte
always - sempre
basement - porão
stuff - coisa
blessings - bênçãos
toast - torrada
believe - acreditam
elliott - elliott
mouth - boca
pointe - pointe
butter - manteiga
recovered - recuperado
control - ao controle
guests - convidados
covered - coberto
bacon - bacon
juggle - fazer malabarismos
daddy - papai
better - melhor
faulk - faulk
guzzle - guzzle
messin - messin
missy - senhorita
pockets - bolsos
fightin - lutando
frying - fritar
grand - grande
years - anos
around - por aí
lovers - amantes
grease - graxa
fears - medos
grown - crescido
smack - smack
learn - aprender
liquor - licor
through - através
others - outras
check - verifica
little - pequeno
bells - sinos
lived - vivia
upper - superior
marshall - marshall
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