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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música All 4 Frankie - Nina Hagen

All 4 Frankie - Nina Hagen

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

hej look at that, oh my god

this is a UFO hej

I can identify that i c i t i c i t

come one you're so funky

you're so funky hi hi hi

gimmi the funk

take me backstage

gimme the funk

come on youre so funky

take me to bed, take me to bed

take me to bed, I wanna sweat

take me to bed come on

take me to bed come on

cause if you don't if you don't

its too bad

make me sweat

no ffrankie we dont need no conversation

we've get the language of the dance

so try to keep your mouth from

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