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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Dope Sucks - Nina Hagen

Dope Sucks - Nina Hagen

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Dope sucks! (x8)

Don't want to put on a narcotic revolution

Don't want to push it on a dead end street

I hate to see you running round in circles

Don't want to catch you with a piece of (????????)

We're working down and nasty

Down to what you honestly feel

You better do it from the heart

And don't you do it from the head

You better do it from the heart

I hate to see you fade away in a Heartbreak Hotel room

I don't like to see you running hot like a disease in the doom

We search for an honest answer

See what you honestly feel

You better do it from the heart

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