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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Smack Jack - Nina Hagen

Smack Jack - Nina Hagen

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

He just needs a hot shot,

He just needs a hot shot,

You need a hot shot

You need a hot shot

You are always running out

And you are always running short

Nothing matters anymore

All you want is go and score

No one starts with two a day

But they all seem to end that way

Shoot it up Smack Jack

Shoot it up Smack Jack

That's a drag with a monkey on your back Smack Jack

Shoot it up Smack Jack

Shoot it up Smack Jack

That's a short term solution

He just needs a hot shot,

You need a hot shot

He just needs a hot shot,

You need a hot shot

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