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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Dazzle - Oh Wonder

Dazzle - Oh Wonder

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

You got diamonds in your eyes tonight

Throwing fire, tryin' to make it right

You're getting higher than the ceiling lights

And fallin' hard enough to lose the fight

Not in it for the money, just get it for the thrill

Living in the moment, paying for the kill

Golden grill of sadness, mid-life wasted youth

Always ends up like this

Always gonna lose

Dazzle me, dazzle me,

Dazzle me with gold

You'll never be what

You wanna be with all that money

That money

Dazzle me, dazzle me,

Throw away your gold

You'll never be what

You wanna be with all that money

That money, that money

There's a human in your heart of hearts

Hidin' true colors made you fall apart

In the mirror you're a work of art

But this is real life, real life

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