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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Ready For Love - Olly Murs

Ready For Love - Olly Murs

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

There's a line, and it's hard to cross

scared to say the things that we both feel.

But all my life, I have been so lost,

running from every heart that's real.

Now I wanna see the lights, I wanna see it all.

I'm ready for the rise even if we fall.

I don't wanna be alone, wanna wake and see the sun

Darling it has only just begun.

And now sing it!

Shout it out, sing it loud, I got something to say.

You're the one that I want, and I'm screaming your name.

Can I kiss you? 'Cause the night is closing in.

Oh I, oh I, I'm ready for this.

I come alive, feel alive, when you walk my way.

There's a room in my heart, do you want to stay?

And I'll show you that you're all I'm thinking of.

Oh I, oh I, I'm ready for love.

The doubts you have, make you insecure,

But I don't mind if you feel unsure.

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