Watch your back because the next man is coming
And you don't know if the next man is dumbin'
Survival of the fittest what it is
I got yo back,you got my back and that's the biz
Blood is rushing through my veins
I got the power channel the energy
And with my strength I will devour
Sickening thoughts is running through my head
That's when I realize I'm glad I´m not dead
Corruption and abuse, the salesman of our blood
For the public´s craving, existence in the dark
It´s in our nature to destroy ourselves
It´s in our nature to kill ourselves
It´s in our nature to kill each other
words - palavras
watch - assistir
thoughts - pensamentos
veins - veias
fittest - mais apto
describe - descrever
sickening - devastador
public - público
corruption - corrupção
dysfunctional - disfuncional
devour - devorar
destroy - destruir
again - novamente
deeper - deeper
close - fechar
insanity - insanidade
blood - sangue
survival - sobrevivência
abuse - abuso
brothers - irmãos
coming - chegando
because - porque
channel - canal
reality - realidade
nature - natureza
family - família
craving - ânsia
through - através
ourselves - nós mesmos
dream - sonhe
profanity - profanidade
realize - perceber
respect - respeito
energy - energia
running - corrida
rushing - correndo
think - pensar
moves - se move
salesman - vendedor
strength - força
stand - ficar de pé
existence - existência
strong - forte
other - de outros
shifty - deslumbrante
struck - atingiu
power - poder
times - vezes
trend - tendência
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