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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Hurts To Be Human - Pink

Hurts To Be Human - Pink

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Will you make it sound so pretty even when it's not?

Didn't choose but it's the only one we've got

And sometimes I get so tired

Of getting tied up in my thoughts

You're the only one that often makes it stop

God, it hurts to be human

Without you I'd be losing

And someday we'll face the music

God, it hurts to be human

But I've got you, you, you, you, you, you, hey

And you've got me, me, me, me, too

Like we're buckled and preparing before the crash

Like we're walking down a road of broken glass

Now if we defeat all odds

And it was us against the world

You can count on me

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