With one foot still in the past

With the other far ahead

(Million timelines

Million lifetimes)

In-between the times go fast

Chase your life while living it

(Keep track of your life

Live dreams, make them real)

A million words, I drown

In what I really try to say

yourself - você mesmo
today - hoje
teach - ensinar
still - ainda
times - vezes
senses - sentidos
timelines - linhas do tempo
scars - cicatrizes
reflect - refletir
reach - alcance
prospect - perspectiva
fallacies - falácias
million - milhão
dreams - sonhos
between - entre
chase - correr atrás
fears - medos
really - realmente
ahead - adiante
lifetimes - vida
breach - violação
choices - escolhas
beautiful - bonita
become - tornar-se
living - vivo
within - dentro
fantasies - fantasias
fighting - combate
words - palavras
paths - caminhos
inner - interior
while - enquanto
memories - recordações
drown - afogar
notions - noções
other - de outros
track - pista
overwhelming - esmagadora

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