Out in the street, caught in the beat

Spellbound right from below

The eye on the scene, right on the screen

Slavery's ready to go

Addiction on plan, ready to scan

Your heart, your soul and your mind

Zombie eyes, trapped in its lies

Ready damnation to find


A trap so tempting to your mind

The web of illusions to keep you blind


No time for waiting, just save yourself tonight

zombie - zumbi
waiting - esperando
until - até
tonight - esta noite
street - rua
shackles - grilhões
there - há
screen - tela
scratches - arranhões
scene - cena
tempting - tentador
brake - freio
bites - picadas
caught - apanhado
black - preto
addiction - vício
illusions - ilusões
voyage - viagem
trapped - preso
right - certo
forefathers - antepassados
giving - dando
avoid - evitar
beast - fera
below - abaixo
damnation - condenação
spellbound - fascinado
freeing - liberando
yourself - você mesmo
chorus - coro
blind - cego
denial - negação
devilish - diabólico
western - ocidental
poisoning - envenenamento
heart - coração
worship - adoração
disguise - disfarce
mantra - mantra
ready - pronto

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