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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Don't Give In - Snow Patrol

Don't Give In - Snow Patrol

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Don't give in

Don't you dare quit so easy

Give all that you got on the soul

Don't say that you won´t live forever

I know, I know

It's in your blood

And it's in your making

So don't hold your tongue

'Cause it's, it's no longer working

Don't fall on your sword

Just follow your instinct

Like an old lesson learned

Like an old lesson learned

Only you know what it, what it is to see through

See through the eyes that are trained on me now

I can, I can only tell you how it, how it looks from here

I think you made up your mind

I think you made up your mind

Don't give in

Don't you dare quit so easy

Give all that you got on the soul

Don't say that you won´t live forever

I know, I know

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