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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Life 2 The Unhappy Ending - Stars

Life 2 The Unhappy Ending - Stars

Letras de músicas
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[Scene one:] Late at night interior, we find ourselves inside the car

Our hero has just gone too far, his lover bleeding in the back

He removes the Lucky from the pack, he knows now that he can't turn back

[Cut to:] The cherry lights in the rearview

He realizes that he's through

Whispers, "Darling let's have fun"

Hits the exit doing 91, drives until he's in the woods

If he loses them he's gone for good

Life was supposed to be a film, was supposed to be a thriller, was supposed to end in tears

But life, could be nothing but a joke, could be nothing but a con

Where's my unhappy ending gone?