Woke up with the shakes on the bathroom floor

The sun is shining, I felt like drinking some more

Sunday's takeaway welded on my elvis tray

It's a pound a can in the garden all day

Start at noon, keep on going through til two

Dabbing speed like a monkey in a fucking zoo

Get your girl in the bathroom, after flirting all day

It's the time of your life on Bank Holiday Monday

Street Fighting

Yet some day

You get out

Out of those mondays

Yes some say

They were the best days

Out of our minds

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

8 O'clock time to catch the next bus to town

welded - soldado
walks - anda em
until - até
brother - irmão
fucking - fodendo
fight - luta
holiday - feriado
share - compartilhar
between - entre
garden - jardim
starts - começa
bathroom - banheiro
tongue - língua
start - começar
elvis - elvis
fighting - combate
catch - pegar
chest - peito
dodging - evitando
definitely - definitivamente
monday - segunda-feira
kicked - chutado
monkey - macaco
street - rua
flirting - flertando
after - depois de
speed - rapidez
tonight - esta noite
shakes - agita
house - casa
mouth - boca
tight - justa
knees - joelhos
through - através
knife - faca
minds - mentes
going - indo
mondays - segundas
pound - libra
those - essa
dabbing - dabbing
drink - beber
kitchen - cozinha
outside - lado de fora
scars - cicatrizes
drinking - bebendo
stick - bastão
swallowed - engoliu
floor - chão
shining - brilhando
takeaway - leve embora

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