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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Help me (She's out of her mind) - Stereophonics

Help me (She's out of her mind) - Stereophonics

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar


In the mirror

You could see her from a mile man

She was alright

She looked right over her shoulder

Right at me

I was falling through the floor now

She came, over me

Help me, oh help me,

She's out of her mind

Help me, oh help me

Somebody tonight

Laughing, all night

She could tell a funny story

She could stay up all night

She was someone to remember

She was black and white

We did it on a sunbed

And she did it right

Help me, oh help me,

She's out of her mind

Help me, somebody

Oh help me, tonight

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