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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música This Life Ain't Easy (But It's the One That W.. - Stereophonics

This Life Ain't Easy (But It's the One That W.. - Stereophonics

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Old friends, they grow old

Some don't make it at all

Those times, they were just gold

At the time, they were just small

Moments we take in

Hours that just pass

Cities far apart

And the memories, they still last

Years we get busy

Caught up in this life

Of who we became

No time for thinking twice

If only someone said

That the days would sometimes end

We'd grow into something new

But we'd miss it in the blend

I got roses on my shades

My eyes are just a glaze

Responsibility was never, ever customary

Innocent and free

Dream out loud and be

And you make me really see

This life ain't easy

But it's the one that we all got

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