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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Whatever Makes You Happy - Sugababes

Whatever Makes You Happy - Sugababes

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

You ain't gotta make it hard if it's easy

Applying pressure on the wound when it's bleeding

Hangin' with the guys cos it's just cool being me

Too much talking from the girls drive me crazy

You're telling me your definition of a pop star

You give a smile as you cover up your heart

So tell me what to say and I'll deliver it

I won't stop, can't stop, cos I'm living it


Whatever makes you happy

Is it crazy to be happy?

Cos it's doing it for me

Is it making you crazy that I'm happy?

Lately, you ain't doing it for me

Now let me break it down

Tell you what it means to me

I don't wanna spend my time in the VIP

I gotta meet someone who doesn't need publicity

Cos your style is....

And you can justify everything

But it don't really matter when reality kicks in

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