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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Never Gonna Give You Up - The Black Keys

Never Gonna Give You Up - The Black Keys

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Never gonna give you up

No matter how you treat me

Never gonna give you up

So don't you think of leavin'

Girl, you treat me bad

And I know why

I've seen you runnin' around

With another guy

And you think if you hurt me

That I'll go away

But, I've made up my mind that

I'm here to stay

Never gonna give you up

No matter how you treat me

Never gonna give you up

So don't you think of leavin'

Baby, don't you understand

What you're doing to the man?

Do you see these tears

In my eyes?

Ain't no use in me lyin'

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