Lions in the street and roaming
Dogs in heat, rabid, foaming
A beast caged in the heart of a city
The body of his mother
Rotting in the summer ground
there - há
street - rua
summer - verão
south - sul
shoulder - ombro
shiny - brilhante
roaming - roaming
rabid - raivoso
ceremony - cerimônia
groaning - gemendo
sweat - suor
creature - criatura
caged - enjaulado
border - fronteira
foaming - espumante
about - sobre
awoke - despertou
everybody - todo mundo
strange - estranho
beside - ao lado
beast - fera
begin - início
morning - manhã
chaos - caos
green - verde
oozed - escorrido
crossed - cruzou
disorder - desordem
ground - chão
heart - coração
rotting - apodrecendo
lions - leões
hotel - hotel
mother - mãe
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