Clouds pass over the moon
Like an eye that shows impending doom
Tension in this misty air
Souls pass into the room
Drawn in by a lost memory
You will join them in the moonlight
You are my offering
Your soul transcends
The centuries of pain
Your misery in life
Is your ecstasy in death
Time passes like the wind
As we race to beat days dusky grin
Mornings just a moment away
Your body glistens in candlelight
As we all look on in fiendish delight
The ritual is just beginning
Come fulfill the prophecy
where - onde
virgins - virgens
tension - tensão
spill - derramar
spectres - espectros
souls - almas
shows - mostra
spilt - derramado
sacrifice - sacrifício
egyptian - egípcio
debauchery - devassidão
beginning - começando
drawn - desenhado
death - morte
glistens - brilha
other - de outros
transcends - transcende
could - poderia
misery - miséria
mornings - manhãs
clouds - Nuvens
follow - segue
again - novamente
centuries - séculos
linen - linho
passes - passa
altar - altar
impending - iminente
others - outras
before - antes
candlelight - luz de luz das velas
fiendish - diabólico
dusky - obscuro
madness - loucura
demons - demônios
blood - sangue
cease - cessar
fulfill - preencha
never - nunca
lives - vidas
meant - significava
aztec - asteca
memory - memória
beauty - beleza
misty - misty
delight - deleite
bestowed - concedeu
moment - momento
moonlight - luar
ritual - ritual
night - noite
offering - oferta
prophecy - profecia
ecstasy - экстаз
footsteps - passos
robes - vestes
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