Clouds pass over the moon

Like an eye that shows impending doom

Tension in this misty air

Souls pass into the room

Drawn in by a lost memory

You will join them in the moonlight

You are my offering

Your soul transcends

The centuries of pain

Your misery in life

Is your ecstasy in death

Time passes like the wind

As we race to beat days dusky grin

Mornings just a moment away

Your body glistens in candlelight

As we all look on in fiendish delight

The ritual is just beginning

Come fulfill the prophecy

where - nerede
virgins - bakireler
tension - gerginlik
spill - dökmek
spectres - hayaletler
souls - ruhlar
shows - gösterileri
spilt - Dökülen
sacrifice - kurban
egyptian - mısır
debauchery - sefahat
beginning - başlangıç
drawn - çekilmiş
death - ölüm
glistens - parlayan
other - diğer
transcends - transcende
could - could
misery - sefalet
mornings - sabahları
clouds - bulutlar
follow - takip et
again - Tekrar
centuries - yüzyıllar
linen - keten
passes - geçer
altar - altar
impending - eli kulağında
others - diğerleri
before - önce
candlelight - mum ışığında
fiendish - şeytani
dusky - esmer
madness - delilik
demons - iblisler
blood - kan
cease - durdurmak
fulfill - yerine getirmek
never - asla
lives - hayatları
meant - demek
aztec - Aztek
memory - Bellek
beauty - güzellik
misty - sisli
delight - zevk
bestowed - ihsan
moment - an
moonlight - ay ışığı
ritual - ayin
night - gece
offering - teklif
prophecy - kehanet
ecstasy - coşku
footsteps - ayak sesleri
robes - elbiseler

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