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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Who's Gonna Love You - The Pussycat Dolls

Who's Gonna Love You - The Pussycat Dolls

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar





'N' nobody

'N' nobody

'N' nobody



Nobody (wait a minute)

Not a dream girl, not perfection

Never said I was from heaven

But baby I could be the closest that you met

(Y'all ain't ready it's nicole)

Your always looking for that some one

That don't existed and he wasn't

What you want isn't always what you get (let's go)

You want your girl to give advice

But your always always right

You want her naughtier than nice

You don't ever want to fight

You want her haging out at home (uhue)

Even wen she's all alone(uhue)

You want everything but that's a dream

So te-hell mee (ladies)

Who's gonna love you baby?

Who's gonna be there for ya?

Who's gonna keep the faith the way that I do?

Who's gonna hold you down?

Pick you up off the ground

Who's gonna make your day the way that I do?



'N' nobody

'N' nobody

'N' nobody




(Wait a minute)

The grass is always greener

From were your standing something sweeter

Never know just what you got untill it's gone

(Y'all ain't ready it's nicole)

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